Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Nature Speaks of God

Malam Jabba, Swat, Morning View

Lalko Valley

Paloga Valley, Swat


Rehanat Paloga

Shagosar Area

Pyazkoo Banda

Sunday, August 9, 2015

PhD ON-SPOT Admission: University of Malaya

About University of Malaya, click here

Ranking, click here 
   1st in Malaysia, 29 in Asia

Online Registration Form, click here

Terms & Conditions
1. This Pre-Registration procedure is for the purpose of the University of Malaya On-Spot Admission in      PAKISTAN, EGYPT, and JORDAN ONLY.
2. The Pre-Registration IS NOT a complete application and SHALL NOT guarantee a seat at the               University of Malaya.
3. In order to complete the Pre-Registration procedure, candidates must presence themselves to the         University of Malaya Faculties at:
    a. PAKISTAN (1pm – 8pm) at the following venues:
        i.   KARACHI     16-17 AUG 2015       MARIOTT HOTEL, KARACHI
        ii.  ISLAMABAD 19 AUG 2015             ISLAMABAD HOTEL, ISLAMABAD
        iii. LAHORE       21-22 AUG 2015       FALESTIS HOTEL LAHORE 

    b. EGYPT (4pm-10pm) at the following venue:
        i. CAIRO          28-29 AUG 2015       INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL,
                                                         CITYSTARS, NASR CITY, CAIRO
    c. JORDAN (4pm-10pm) at the following venue:
        i. AMMAN          1-2 SEPT 2015         CROWNED PLAZA HOTEL, AMMAN, JORDAN
4. The University of Malaya reserves all the rights to modify any of the terms and conditions without            prior notice.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

460 PhD Fellowships by TWAS, 2015

TWAS offers more than 460 PhD fellowships a year at some of the most respected institutions in the developing world. These fellowships are hosted in Brazil, China, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico and Pakistan. New fellowships in new countries are expected in the months ahead.
Deadline for Brazil approaching
24 August,  2015, please visit official website, click here

Further Details and Application Procedure
For application and further details, please visit official website, click here

Postdoctoral Fellowships
Scientists from developing countries who have recently earned their PhD can gain invaluable experience working with prominent scientists in a developing country through TWAS fellowships. Postdoctoral fellowships, lasting from six months to three years, are hosted in Brazil, India, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan and Thailand. New fellowships are now available with NRF, South Africa.

For Post-doctoral scholarships visit, click here


The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in Brasilia, Brazil, and TWAS offer up to 10 postdoctoral fellowships each year to young scientists from developing countries (other than Brazil) who wish to pursue postdoctoral research in natural sciences.

For more upcoming scholarships and jobs, Like us on Facebook Page Xplore Swat

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Role of youth in building nation

Inspirational poetry of a young girl regarding the role of youth in building a nation.
  • Asking the youth what they have done so far against corruption, evils and bad of the society.
  • Inviting them to come forth and (1) put the nation on right path (2) put younger brothers and sisters in ease and (3) cut and burn roots of the corruption
  • Proposing youth (1) lets work together for the nation and become garden and flowers of it (2) lets become hope for the hopeless and (3) lets be candle to lit the nation regardless of being disappear by ourselves