Monday, August 29, 2016

Undergraduate scholarships (Information), Faculty of Engineering, University of AUCKLAND, Newzland


Faculty of Engineering

Undergraduate scholarships

The following scholarships are available to engineering undergraduate students.
Undergraduate scholarships

For comprehensive details on all undergraduate scholarships please visit the Scholarships Office website.

You will also find application forms, closing dates and full conditions for scholarship applications.
For updates on changes in dates and other associated changes relating to specific scholarships, please monitor the Faculty of Engineering's notices, where these announcements are made.
The Scholarships Office search tool allows you to find scholarships based on level of study, personal characteristics and subject area.
If you would like to receive help from within the Faculty of Engineering about Scholarships, speak with Noletta Baatjes or Christine Salter

Parts I, II, III or IV

Bill Miller Engineering Scholarship
Sponsor Bill Miller Trust
Details Up to $6,000 for one year for contribution towards tuition fees.
Up to 3 scholarships.
Applicable study BE(Hons) degree or a postgraduate programme within the Faculty of Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Colombo Plan Scholarship in Engineering
Details $3,000 for one year.
Applicable study Full time enrolment in BE, BE(Hons) or any PG programme in the Faculty of Engineering. The scholarship will be awarded to an international student who is a citizen of one of the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the United States of America or Vietnam.

Closing dates and further information

Don Linklater Memorial Bursary
Details $3,000 each year for up to three years.
Applicable study Enrolled to study in 2016 at undergraduate or postgraduate level, either internally or extramurally, in a field relevant to Horizons work. Relevant areas include; resource management, environmental planning, environmental engineering and modelling with particular emphasis on river and drainage basin dynamics.

Closing dates and further information

Douglas Goodfellow Scholarship in Engineering
Details $2,500 for one year for assistance
Applicable study Full time students enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate programme in the Faculty of Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Energy Education Trust Undergraduate and Honours Scholarship
Sponsor Energy Education Trust
Details Up to $5,000 towards course related costs.
Up to 15 scholarships offered.  
Applicable study Undergraduate or honours students in science, economic or engineering with an interest in the energy needs of New Zealand.

Closing dates and further information

Ian Diamond Scholarship
Sponsor New Zealand Aeronautical Trust
Details Payment towards tuition fees.
Applicable study The award(s) shall be made to young New Zealanders engaged in aviation engineering, in the broadest sense of the meaning - i.e. from any airline, RNZAF, helicopters or any sector of the aviation industry.

Closing dates and further information

Ken Lim Memorial Scholarship
Sponsor The University of Auckland Council and the Faculty of Engineering
Details Payment upto the value of $5,000 and for upto two years
Applicable study The award(s) shall be made to undergraduate students studying Civil and Environmental Engineering in Part II,or III of their BE Hons 

Closing dates and further information

Mervin Walter Stoddart Scholarship in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Sponsor Mervin Walter Stoddart
Details $800 for one year
Applicable study BE(Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Prime Minister's Scholarships for Asia (PMSA)
Details Value of the scholarship is based on the level and length of study, the destination country and institution. It can cover travel, accommodation, course fees and living costs.
Applicable study Undergraduate or postgraduate students wanting to undertake study and/or research in Asia in programmes between six weeks and two years duration, in a subject area that can be linked to New Zealand's economic or trade agenda.

Closing dates and further information


Part I

Edward Connelly Faculty of Engineering Entry Level Undergraduate Scholarship
Sponsor Edward Connelly Trust
Details Up to $2,000 for one year for assistance.
Up to six scholarships.
Applicable study Part I of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information  

Edward Connelly Kick Start Scholarship
Sponsor Edward Connelly Trust
Details $2,000 for one year for assistance.
Up to four scholarships.
Applicable study Part I of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

Kick Start Affirmative Action Scholarships
Sponsor Faculty of Engineering
Details $2,000 for one year for assistance.
Up to four scholarships.

Applicable study Part I of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

Kick Start City of Sails Scholarship
Sponsor Faculty of Engineering
Details $2,000 for one year for assistance.
Up to ten scholarships.
Applicable study Part I of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

Kick Start Merit Scholarship
Sponsor Faculty of Engineering
Details $2,000 for one year for assistance.
Up to eight scholarships.
Applicable study Part I of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

Worley Parsons Scholarship
Sponsor WorleyParsons Resources and Energy
Details 5,000 per student with annual installments of $1,250. Three awarded per year.
Applicable study Part I of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

University of Auckland Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship
Sponsor University of Auckland
Details $1,000 pa for one year for assistance.
Applicable study Part I of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

Jade Leung
“As well as the significant financial relief, the community of other scholars and the staff that support scholarship winners were incredible and have been a great source of inspiration over the years. It is a truly diverse network that has helped me to grow as a person, and allowed me to become involved in social issues that I and my fellow scholars care deeply about.”
- Jade Leung, University of Auckland Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship recepient
>> Read more about Jade's story and her future plans here!
>> Read about Ben Fulton, another University of Auckland Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship recepient

Part II

BECA Part II Engineering Scholarship
Sponsor BECA
Details $3,000 pa for assistance.
Up to 5 scholarships.
Applicable study Part II of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and more information

Danielle Gatland
"I am very grateful to have been awarded the BECA Part II Engineering Scholarship. This allowed me to encourage myself and others to make the most of all opportunities presented to us, and to achieve everything we can. I am studying a conjoint degree in Engineering (Engineering Science) and Commerce (Operations and Supply Chain Management, and Commercial Law), and this scholarship money has allowed to me to not feel financially pressured if I need to take time off work to focus on my studies or other commitments. Some of my other commitments include being a leader for the Women in Engineering Network at the University of Auckland, and playing hockey. Through receiving this scholarship, I also had the opportunity to attend a presentation evening at BECA, where I met some of their employees and executive team."
- Danielle Gatland, Beca Part II Engineering Scholarship, 2014

Bruce McLaren Automotive Award for Engineering
Sponsor Neil Paton, Eric Tracey and Rob Whitehouse
Details $15,000 study and research placement
Applicable study Part II or III of a BE (Hons) with an interest in automotive engineering

Closing dates and further information 

Cecil Segedin Undergraduate Scholarship in Engineering Science
Sponsor Cecil Segedin Endowment Fund
Details $5,000 for one year for assistance
Applicable study Part II, III or IV of BE(Hons) in Engineering Science

Closing dates and further information  

Fraser Thomas Scholarship
Sponsor Fraser Thomas
Details Tuition fees - increasing scale for Part II, III and IV.
Applicable study Part II of BE(Hons) in Civil Engineering

Closing dates and further information

HEB Construction Scholarship
Sponsor HEB Construction
Details $4,000 for the tenure of three years for assistance.
Applicable study Part II of a BE(Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

David Mountfort, 2014 HEB Construction Scholarship recipient
"The HEB Construction Scholarship significantly lightened my financial burden and allowed me to focus on the most important aspects of university, which are to learn and to fully involve myself in student life. For this I am extremely grateful. The scholarship helped fund my recent exchange to Berkeley at the University of California, which was a once in a lifetime opportunity. HEB also offers summer work to scholarship winners, exposing them to exciting and unique projects. In the long term, I would like to combine both my engineering and commerce degrees to develop an exciting and varied career so I can make a difference to the world."
- David Mountfort, HEB Construction Scholarship, 2014
Hiway Stabilizers Undergraduate Scholarship in Pavement Engineering
Sponsor Hiway Stabilizers Ltd
Details $5,000 pa for one year for compulsory fees etc.
Applicable study Part II or III of BE (Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Jacobs Civil Engineering Scholarship
Sponsor Jacobs
Details Percentage per year of tuition fees  - increasing scale for Part II, III and IV.
Applicable study Parts II, III or IV of BE(Hons) in Civil Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Jacobs Scholarship
Sponsor Jacobs  
Details Percentage per year of tuition fees  - increasing scale for Part II, III and IV.More information
Applicable study Parts II, III or IV of BE(Hons)

Closing dates and further information

Milmeq Scholarship
Sponsor Realcold Group
Details $3,000 for one year for contribution to compulsory fees.
Applicable study Part II or III of BE(Hons) in Chemical, Mechanical or Electrical & Electronic Engineering.
Students should be interested in refrigeration systems or low temperature materials handling systems.

Closing dates and further information

Robert Horton Engineering Scholarship
Sponsor Robert Horton
Details $800 for one year for assistance
Applicable study Part II of BE(Hons)

Closing dates and further information

Tonkin and Taylor Scholarship
Sponsor Tonkin and Taylor
Details Percentage per year of tuition fees - increasing scale for years 2, 3, 4.
Applicable study Part II of BE(Hons) in Civil Engineering

Closing dates and further information


Part III

AECOM Peter North Scholarship
Sponsor URS and Peter North Family
Details $5,000 for one year for compulsory fees.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) in Civil & Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

AECOM Water & Urban Development Scholarship
Sponsor AECOM New Zealand Ltd.
Details $5,000 for one year for compulsory fees.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) in Civil & Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Applidyne Engineering Design Scholarship
  • Vacation employment in the 2015/2016 summer holidays.
  • A $3000 award.
  • Potential employment at Applidyne Australia Pty Ltd after completion of their engineering degree.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) degree students studying Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering at an Australian or New Zealand University.

Closing date and further information

AUEA Ardmore Fund Undergraduate Scholarship
Details $5,000 for one year for compulsory fees etc.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

Auckland University Engineers Association Scholarship
Details Up to $5,000 for one year for contribution towards compulsory fees.
Up to 5 scholarships.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

Babbage Consultants Scholarship in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Details Up to $8,000 for one year for contribution towards compulsory fees.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Cecil Segedin Undergraduate Scholarship in Engineering Science
Sponsor Cecil Segedin Endowment Fund
Details $5,000 for one year for assistance.
Applicable study Part II, III or IV of BE(Hons) in Engineering Science

Closing dates and further information

EROAD Scholarship in Software Engineering
Sponsor EROAD
Details Upto $5,000 in one year
Applicable study Part III in BE(Hons) in Software Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Evan Gibb Hudson Scholarship in Engineering
Sponsor Evan Gibb Hudson
Details $2,500 pa for one year for assistance (must be a member of a military organisation)
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

Hiway Stabilizers Undergraduate Scholarship in Pavement Engineering
Sponsor Hiway Stabilizers Ltd
Details $5,000 pa for one year for compulsory fees etc.
Applicable study Part II or III of BE (Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Jacobs Civil Engineering Scholarship
Sponsor Jacobs
Details Percentage per year of tuition fees  - increasing scale for Part II, III and IV.
Applicable study Parts II, III or IV of BE(Hons) in Civil Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Jacobs Scholarship
Sponsor Jacobs  
Details Percentage per year of tuition fees  - increasing scale for Part II, III and IV
Applicable study Parts II, III or IV of BE(Hons)

Closing dates and further information

Mark Ford Ngā Tapuwae Scholarship
Sponsor Watercare Services Ltd.
Details Up to $5,000 for one year.
Applicable study Parts III or IV of BE(Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Mark Ford Ngā Tapuwae Scholarship for Māori Students
Sponsor Watercare Services Ltd.
Details Up to $5,000 for one year.
Applicable study Parts III or IV of BE(Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Methanex NZ Undergraduate Scholarships for Future Leaders in Engineering
Sponsor Methanex New Zealand
Details $5,000 for one year.
Applicable study Part II students about to enter Part III in Mechanical or Electrical or Electronic Engineering, or with a specialisation in one of the following fields: Process, control systems, reliability, health, safety, enviroonment, or process safety management.
Applicants should be intending to seek a career in the petroleum industry in New Zealand for at least three years upon completion of their undergraduate degree.

Guidelines and further information

Milmeq Scholarship
Sponsor Realcold Group
Details $3,000 for one year for contribution to compulsory fees.
Applicable study Part II or III of BE(Hons) in Chemical, Mechanical or Electrical & Electronic Engineering.
Students should be interested in refrigeration systems or low temperature materials handling systems.

Closing dates and further information

Murray Scholarship in Civil & Environmental Engineering
Sponsor Ian and Emma Murray
Details $5,000 for tuition fees for one year.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Murray Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Sponsor Ian and Emma Murray
Details $5,000 for tuition fees for one year.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) in Mechanical Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Rakon Engineering Scholarship
Sponsor Rakon Ltd.
Details $2,500 for contribution to compulsory fees for up to two years.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Engineering Science, Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics Engineering.

Closing dates and further information

Mark Walbran, Rakon Engineering Scholarship recipient
"Winning this award has provided me with some great career opportunities with the sponsor, Rakon, and it was very motivating to receive some recognition for all the hard work I have done at university. In addition to this, it has taken away some of the financial pressure of supporting myself away from home and allowed me more time to focus on my studies this year. I am currently completing my final semester of Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Auckland. Over the next couple of years I hope to undertake a Masters overseas and then begin my career in aeronautics or robotics."
- Mark Walbran, Rakon Engineering Scholarship, 2014
RILEY Geotechnical/Water Resource Scholarship
Sponsor RILEY
Details $5,000 maximum for 1 year.
Applicable study Part IV of BE(Hons) in Civil & Environmental Engineering (apply during Part III year)

Closing dates and further information

SGS New Zealand Limited Scholarship
Details Up to $6,000
2 scholarships.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) degree in Mechanical Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Signode Packaging Group NZ Scholarship
Sponsor Signode Packaging Group NZ
Details Up to $4,500 for one year for assistance.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons) in Software Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Scholarship
Sponsor SPE
Details $3,000 for one year towards tuition fees.
Three scholarships offered.
Applicable study Part III of BE(Hons)

Closing dates and further information


Part IV

BECA Part IV Engineering Scholarship
Sponsor BECA
Details $3,500 for one year for assistance
Applicable study Part IV of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

BECA & Rotary Club of Auckland Scholarship
Sponsor BECA and Rotary Club of Auckland
Details $6,000 for one year assistance.
Applicable study Part IV of BE(Hons) degree

Closing dates and further information

Cecil Segedin Undergraduate Scholarship in Engineering Science
Sponsor Cecil Segedin Endowment Fund
Details $5,000 for one year for assistance.
Applicable study Part II, III or IV of BE(Hons) in Engineering Science

Closing dates and further information

Electricity Engineer's Association Scholarship
Sponsor Electricity Engineers Association
Details $4,500 for one year for assistance.
2 scholarships offered.
Applicable study Part IV in BE(Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Closing dates and further information

GHD Achievement Scholarship
Sponsor GHD
Details $5,000 for one year for compulsory fees etc.
Applicable study Part IV of BE(Hons) in Civil or Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Jacobs Civil Engineering Scholarship
Sponsor Jacobs  
Details Percentage per year of tuition fees  - increasing scale for Part II, III and IV.
Applicable study Parts II, III or IV of BE(Hons) in Civil Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Jacobs Scholarship
Sponsor Jacobs  
Details Percentage per year of tuition fees  - increasing scale for Part II, III and IV.
Applicable study Parts II, III or IV of BE(Hons)

Closing dates and further information

Mark Ford Ngā Tapuwae Scholarship
Sponsor Watercare Services Ltd.
Details Up to $5,000 for one year.
Applicable study Parts III or IV of BE(Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Mark Ford Ngā Tapuwae Scholarship for Māori Students
Sponsor Watercare Services Ltd.
Details Up to $5,000 for one year.
Applicable study Parts III or IV of BE(Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

The University of Auckland Partnership Appeal Awards
Sponsor The University of Auckland Council
Details $500 - $5,000 Study related costs.
Applicable study Final year of and Undergraduate or Postgraduate degree programme.

Closing dates and further information

Stephen Coleman Memorial Scholarship
Details Up to $1,500 in one year for assistance.
Applicable study Part IV of BE(Hons) in Civil Engineering and enrolment in CIVIL 782

Closing dates and further information

TDG Scholarship
Sponsor Traffic Design Group
Details $7,500 for one year towards fees and assistance.
Applicable study Part IV of BE(Hons) in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Closing dates and further information

Todd Mataga AUEA Award
Details $5,000 assistance for one year of BE (Hons) or $10,000 assistance to MBA student.
Applicable study Part IV of BE(Hons) in Chemical & Materials Engineering or a Chemical & Materials Engineering graduate enrolling in an MBA

Closing dates and further information

 Sanelle van Wyk, 2014 Todd Mataga AUEA Award recepient
"I am deeply honoured to be a recipient of the 2014 Todd Mataga AUEA Award and to be associated with such an inspiring group of previous recipients. This award enabled me to graduate with a B.E. (Hons.) degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering with First Class Honours before pursuing my PhD at the University of Auckland. I am currently conducting my PhD research on the use of novel non-thermal technologies to preserve wines by inactivating spoilage microorganisms. It is my aim, with the aid of my research, to make a significant contribution to the engineering industry not only in New Zealand, but worldwide as well."
- Sanelle van Wyk, Todd Mataga AUEA Award, 2014
Tuākana Scholarships for Māori and Pacific Students
Details $2,500 for one year for assistance.
Up to eight scholarships.
Applicable study Māori and Pacific students enrolled in Part IV of Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) degree.

Closing dates and further information

  Original source of information
NoteJoin us  for more scholarships @

postdoc: ab initio simulation of million atom transistors

Joint postdoctoral positions (1-2) of Institue of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOSCAS, Beijing, ) and Material Science Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL, Berkeley CA, ) are now available. The work site is based in Beijing, while regular visit to LBNL is available (half of the duration). The co-advisers include Prof. Shu-Shen Li (director) of IOSCAS, and Prof. Lin-Wang Wang in LBNL ( ).
The successful candidates are expected to carry out researches on fully ab initio simulations of industrial level million atom field-effect transistors (FETs) including the following features:
  1. Physics of surfaces and interfaces in industrial level semiconductor devices (most likely FETs): Understanding metal-semiconductor contact properties and carrier dynamics at dielectric (oxide)-semiconductor interfaces by pushing large scale ab initio simulations up to 10,000 atoms.
  2. Large scale ab initio quantum transport calculation methodology development based on plane waves and linear scaling techniques such as linear scaling three-dimensional fragment method and folded spectrum method. This effort is to scale the ab initio quantum transport calculation up to 100,000 atoms.
  3. Combine the above two to implement fully ab initio simulations of the whole industrial level semiconductor device containing all components (metal contact, dielectric interface, source-channel-drain, atomic dopant if necessary).
The candidates are required to have a PhD degree in condensed matter physics or material science. Experience on electronic structure theories (DFT and beyond), computational simulations of solids, nanostructures and nanodevices is preferred.
The gross salary will be $3,500 (USD) per month. A bonus based on annual publications will be available. IOSCAS provides a two bedroom apartment in Beijing. The positions are available for two years at the initial instance, with the possibility of extension based on mutual agreement.
The start date is immediate. Please send your CV, research statement (1 page) and contact information of 2 academic references, directly to Prof. Xiang-Wei Jiang by email ( ). The search is open until the positions are filled. Informal inquiry can be made by contacting Prof. Jiang.

Recent publications (selected from ):
[1] D. Zherebetskyy, M. Scheele, Y. Zhang, N. Bronstein, C. Thompson, D. Britt, M. Salmeron, P. Alivisatos, L.W. Wang, "Hydroxylation of the surface of PbS nanocrystals passivated with oleic acid", Science 344, 1380 (2014).
[2] H.-G. Liao, D. Zherebetskyy, H. Xin, C. Czarnik, P. Ercius, H. Elmlund, M. Pan, L.W. Wang, H. Zheng, "Facet development during platinum nanocube growth", Science 345, 6199 (2014).
[3] Z. Wang, Shu-Shen Li, L.W. Wang, "An efficient real-time time-dependent DFT method and its applications to ion-2D material collision", Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 063004 (2015).
[4] L. Dou, A.B. Wong, Y. Yu, M. Lai, N. Kernienko, S.W. Eaton, A. Fu, C.G. Bischak, J. Ma, T. Ding, N. So. Ginsberg, L.W. Wang, A.P. Alivisatos, P. Yang, "Atomically thin two-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites", Science 349, 6255 (2015).
[5] B. Eren, D. Zherebetskyy, L.L. Patera, C.H. Wu, L.W. Wang, G.A. Somorjai, M. Salmeron, "Activation of Cu(111) surface by decomposition into nanoclusters driven by CO absorption", Science 351, 475 (2016).

NoteJoin us  for more scholarships @

Friday, July 29, 2016

Faculty Positions (Pak-Austria Fachhochschule Project), University Of Haripur, Pakistan


Jobs & Careers (University Of Haripur)

Faculty Positions (Pak-Austria Fachhochschule Project)

(Posted On: 18 Jul 2016)

Sr# Job Title View
1 Medical Lab Technologies (05) Partner University: University of Applied Sciences “CAMPUS WIEN” Detail
2 Digital Multi-Media Technologies (05) Partner University: University of Applied Sciences, SANKT POELTEN Detail
3 Software Engineering (05) Partner University: University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg Detail
4 Energy-Environment-Technology (05) Partner University: University of Applied Sciences, Innsbruck Detail
5 Mechatronics (05) University of Applied Sciences GRAZ (Joanneum) Detail
6 Agriculture Technologies (05) (Food Technology-1, Agricultural Biotechnology-1, Seed Technology-1, Insect pests and honey bee management technologies-1) Detail

Complete Advertisement can also be downloaded from following link:
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Application Form can also be downloaded from following link:
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Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (PAF: IAST), University of Haripur (UoH) is novel in its content and holistic in approach. The project concept is based on the slogan of “Skilling Pakistan” to create a high quality technical education infrastructure. This unique educational institution in Pakistan will closely collaborate with several institutions in Austria and award multiple foreign degrees. This is a historic and visionary initiative as it is probably the first time that an institution will be established in Pakistan with many foreign universities giving degrees to students who study in it. PAF: IAST, University of Haripur is looking for potential applicants, who have done their PhDs in following programs, to be appointed as faculty members (Assistant Professors) in respective Departments. The candidates, selected in prescribed manner, shall serve PAF: IAST, University of Haripur after completion of 1-2 years’ post-PhD, training at Austrian partner Universities under Pak-Austria Fachhochschule Project.

1. Job Title: Medical Lab Technologies (05) Partner University: University of Applied Sciences “CAMPUS WIEN”

Job Description:

  • Qualification & Area of Specialization
    (Eligibility Criteria)
  • Ph.D.  in Medical Lab Technology/Clinical Laboratory Sciences from HEC recognized University/institution.
    Research Focuses
    Clinical Diagnostics and therapeutics, Development of medical and technological innovations in the various fields of diagnostics.
    Research Potentials
    The applicants are required to have research potentials in the various diagnostic and research-related medical fields (oncology, neurophysiology, serology, clinical immunology, molecular pathology, clinical pathology, clinical Hematology).

2. Job Title: Digital Multi-Media Technologies (05) Partner University: University of Applied Sciences, SANKT POELTEN

Job Description:

  • Qualification & Area of Specialization
    (Eligibility Criteria)
  • Ph.D.   in Digital Multi-Media Technologies from HEC recognized University/institution.
    Research Focuses
    Information Visualization (InfoVis) and Visual Analytics (VA), particularly in the context of time-oriented data)
    Research Potentials
    The applicants are required to have research potentials in application-oriented research and development in the broader field of the creative industries (Audio-visual, interactive and mobile media etc.). They must demonstrate strong capabilities of investigating the resulting challenges and potentials for science and the economy and working on creative solutions for media-supported environments.

3. Job Title: Software Engineering (05) Partner University: University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg

Job Description:

  • Qualification & Area of Specialization
    (Eligibility Criteria)
  • Ph.D.  in Software Engineering from HEC recognized University/institution.
  • Research Focuses
  • Practical and applied informatics including experimental prototyping, empirical modeling, codification of experience, formal analysis, creating design/development strategies for modern software, and developing public policy positions) from HEC recognized University/institution.
  • Research Potentials
  • The applicants are required to have research potentials in application-oriented research and development in the broader field of practical and applied informatics). They must demonstrate strong capabilities in developing, implementing and evaluating high performance software to meet the demand for an ever-expanding range of applications

4. Job Title: Energy-Environment-Technology (05) Partner University: University of Applied Sciences, Innsbruck

Job Description:

  • Qualification & Area of Specialization
    (Eligibility Criteria)
  • Ph.D.  in Environmental Studies/Environmental Engineering from HEC recognized University/institution.
    Research Focuses
    Incorporation of principles of sustainability in developmental projects specially infrastructure development and socio-economic uplift projects).
    Research Potentials
    The applicants are required to have demonstrated research skills in area like residential water management, resource management, waste and disposal technology, Environmental Planning and Management, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of developmental projects such as road projects, hydro-power projects etc. Environmental Audit and Monitoring, traffic planning, traffic technology and traffic route engineering, geo-informatics and remote sensing, technical equipment in buildings, hydrology and hydraulic engineering, energy and eco-informatics, environmental and process engineering. 
 5. Job Title: Mechatronics (05) University of Applied Sciences GRAZ (Joanneum)

Job Description:

  • Qualification & Area of Specialization
    (Eligibility Criteria)
  • Ph.D.  in Advance Electronics/Electronic Engineering from HEC recognized University/institution.
    Research Focuses
    Automotive Electronicsand Micro- & Nano-Electronics
    Research Potentials
    Automotive Electronics: electric and hybrid drives, energy management, mechatronic systems, safety and comfort as well as communication and infotainment in vehicles and Micro- & Nano-Electronics: such as chip design, communication technology, signal processing, audio and video applications, automation and photovoltaics.

6. Job Title: Agriculture Technologies (05) (Food Technology-1, Agricultural Biotechnology-1, Seed Technology-1, Insect pests and honey bee management technologies-1)

Job Description:

  • Qualification & Area of Specialization
    (Eligibility Criteria)
  • Food Technology
  • Ph.D. in Food Science, Food Engineering or related field from HEC recognized University/institution.
    Research Focuses
    Food chemistry, Food Engineering, Food biotechnology, Metabolomics
    Research Potentials
    Must demonstrate strong capabilities in working with food processing and product development, food enzymology, food microbiology, food chemistry, Nutraceuticals.
  • Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Ph.D. in relevant fields of plant biotechnology from HEC recognized University/institution.
    Research Focuses
    Bioinformatics, plant tranformations, Plant Genomics, Proteomics
    Research Potentials
    Must demonstrate strong capabilities in working with bioinformatics, plant molecular biology and traanformations with a sound grip on plant physiology and biochemisrty.
  • Seed Technology
  • Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences with specialization in Agronomy, Horticulture or PBG from HEC recognized University/institution.
    Research Focuses
    Seed development, advance seed production technologies, seed processing and quality control.
    Research Potentials
    Must demonstrate strong capabilities in working with crop seed production technologies and seed quality control with an ability to boost the seed industry thruogh innnovative research.
  • Insect Pests and Honey Bee Management Technologies
  • Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences with specialization in Entomology from HEC recognized University/institution.
    Research Focuses
    IPM, biological control, apiculture, biopesticides
    Research Potentials
    Must demonstrate strong capabilities in working with environment friendly IPM technologies along with a focus on managing bee health and honey quality.
Terms & Conditions:
  1. The candidates should submit a detailed dossier along with up to date Resume and covering letter clearly elaborating research experience, project details and area of specialization reflecting straight relevance with the post applied for.
  2. Age limit is 40 years.
  3. German language skills will be preferred.
  4. Applications shall be scrutinized based on expertise and area of specialization which is required under Pak-Austria Fachhochschule project needs and demands.
  5. Shortlisted candidate shall pass through prescribed selection procedure and shall be considered permanent employees of PAF: IAST, University of Haripur.
  6. Selected candidates shall be governed by PAF: IAST, University of Haripur’s employee’s statutes and regulations.
  7. Selected candidates shall execute a bond clearly stating an agreement to serve PAF: IAST, University of Haripur for minimum 10 years after completing 1-2 years’ training program at respective Fachhochschule in Austria.
  8. Candidates, after selection in prescribed manner, shall ensure their availability, on date and time fixed by UoH and Austrian partner Fachhochschule, for 1-2 years’ training at respective Austrian Fachhochschule, and shall join their respective departments soon after completion of training.
  9. Selected candidates shall be paid a stipend of US dollar 1200 per month which shall include all living expenditures abroad.
  10. Higher salary shall be considered for candidates based on experience and suitability through proper procedure.
  11. All selected candidates during training period shall be paid salary of Rs. 130,000 (all inclusive) in addition to the stipend of US dollar 1200 per month. (The living allowance and salaries may be further enhanced significantly subject to government approval).
  12. On return after successful completion of post-doctoral training abroad, each scholar shall be awarded a grant of US dollar 50,000 (to be given after external peer review) for new product development in the proposed Technology Park subject to approval.
  13. One time return air-fare will be provided to each selected scholar.
  14. Faculty housing on campus may also be provided subject to approval of PC 1 by the government.
  15. A scholar shall sign an agreement with the University of Haripur (UoH) on non-judicial (stamp) paper to the effect that in case the Master Trainer fails to complete his/her training, he/she will refund to the UoH the total amount spent on his/her studies by the UoH.
  16. In addition, a personal guarantee of a person of means on non-judicial (stamp) paper to the effect of ensuring the recovery in case of default would need to be furnished.
  17. Every document i.e. Deed of Agreement and other documents must be properly notarized, i.e. the document must be registered by the Notary Public maintained by him as Notary register and the signatures of the executants must be obtained on the register and the number of the registration must be mentioned along with the Notary Public stamp.
  18. The candidates serving in Government, Semi Government, and Autonomous Bodies should route their applications through proper channel.
  19. Applicants should apply only on the prescribed form, available at ( along with a Bank Draft/Pay Order of Rs. 2500/- in favor of the Treasurer, University of Haripur.
  20. Attach attested photocopies of all the DMCs, Degree’s, Certificates, Experience Certificates, CNIC and three (3) recent passport size photographs with the application form.
  21. Only degrees obtained from HEC recognized Universities/Institutions will be accepted.
  22. The Candidates having Foreign Degree/Certificate will provide Equivalency Certificate from HEC/IBCC, Islamabad.
  23. All applications must reach to the office of the Project Director, Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, University of Haripur, latest by 17-08-2016Incomplete applications and applications received after due date will not be entertained.
  24. Both land line and mobile phone numbers must be written in the application form.
  25. Only Short listed candidates will be called for test/interview. No TA/DA will be admissible to the candidates called for test/interview.
  26. University reserves the right to increase or decrease number of posts or reject any or all applications without assigning any reason.

Office of the Project Director,
Pak-Austria Fachhochschule, Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology,
University of Haripur, Hattar Road, Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
Phone: 0995-615393
Fax: 0995-615394

Original Source of information: 

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Two Fully-funded Postdoc Positions in Robotics and Intelligent Systems Group, University of Oslo, Norway

Department of Informatics
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 1 - 2 positions
1-2 positions as Postdoctoral research fellow is available at the Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ROBIN) group at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway (Norway's largest university department for education and research in Computer Science and related topics, see, as a part of the Research Council of Norway funded project Multimodal Elderly Care Systems (MECS). The project aims at working with extending the capabilities of robot companions (in sensing, learning and prediction of future events) to be applied in elderly care at home.

The fellowships will be for a period of 3 years, possibly with an option for extension of the employment period by 4 months depending background and qualifications for additional duty work which typically includes work on courses (lecturing, preparation and organizing of exercises etc). We also have a number of international collaborators and having a stay of up to 6 months with one of these could be possible. The starting date is preferably no later than November 1st 2016.

Project description

The Robotics and Intelligent Systems research group focus on adaptive systems research often including biologically inspired methods. We target to apply these methods within robotics, programmable logic and applications like active music. We are interested in studying human and robotic motion using motion capture analysis and apply this knowledge in designing adaptive robotic or computing systems. We do rapid prototyping of robots with 3D-printers and milling machines.
In this project we are interested in making progress on equipping robot companions with complementary sensor systems to be able to sense the state of humans and their environment. Further, by modeling normal behavior and state of the human, we want to explore the possibility for predicting future non-normal behavior and events. This would be undertaken by an autonomous mobile robot compromising between privacy of the human and quality of the measurements. The candidate is planned to either be focusing on the sensing part or be working with behavior modeling and prediction. The candidate will be collaborating with a research fellow working in the other area and another research fellow specializing in user-oriented design methods for the robots.


The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has a strategic ambition of being a leading research faculty. Candidates for this fellowship will be selected in accordance with this, and expected to be in the upper segment of their class with respect to academic credentials.
The candidate must have a PhD or other corresponding education equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree in computer science including robotics and machine learning/artificial intelligence (other degrees would be considered if qualifications match). Thus, applicants should have a strong background in programming and robotics and have knowledge about machine learning. Moreover, knowledge in the fields of motion tracking and analysis, sensor data analysis, biology-inspired techniques, rapid prototyping, simulation, and behavior modeling would be an advantage. The candidates should have experience with practical work as we expect the project to be working with testing and modifying robots for improved performance in their environment. In the application, please briefly describe the relevance of the Master/PhD thesis work and other project work relevant for the position. Please also briefly mention what part of the project you would be most qualified and motivated for working with. Applicants for the fellowship should have scientific publications, and both their quantity and quality (impact of the journal(s) and conference(s)) would be an important selection criteria.
The main purpose of post-doctoral research fellowships is to qualify researchers for work in top academic positions within their disciplines.
Please also refer to the regulations pertaining to the conditions of employment for post-doctoral fellowship positions:

A good command of English is required.
In summary, the selection of the candidate(s) for the position would be based on relevant knowledge and experience in the areas described above, education results and scientific publications.

Position code 1352, NOK 512 700 – 567 100 per year, (Pay Grade: 60 – 65) depending on qualifications and seniority.

We offer:
a challenging and stimulating working environment attractive welfare benefits

The application must include:
  • Application letter
  • CV (summarizing education, positions and academic work – scientific publications)
  • Copies of educational certificates, transcript of records and letters of recommendation
  • The most relevant and important publications and academic work that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee (maximum 5)
  • Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number)

Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their University's grading system. Please remember that all documents should be in English or a Scandinavian language.
In accordance with the University of Oslo's equal opportunities policy, we invite applications from all interested individuals regardless of gender or ethnicity but would like to specifically encourage female candidates to apply.
UiO has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.
  • Region:
  • Oslo
  • Job type:
  • Fixed Term Contract
  • Working hours:
  • Full-time
  • Working days:
  • Day
  • Application deadline:
  • 10. August, 2016
  • Location:
  • Oslo
  • Reference number:
  • 2016/3442

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PhD Scholarships in Datamining, Optimisation, Artificial Intelligence, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

The University of Nottingham Ningbo has PhD scholarships for suitable candidates who are interested in Datamining, Optimisation, Artificial Intelligence and related subjects such as:

Subject Areas

          Data mining/machine learning challenges: large data sets, mixture of data types (including images), data quality and security issues.
          Optimisation challenges: dealing with uncertainty, dynamic problems, large scale optimization problem, new optimization and data mining combinations such as simulation and machine learning.
          Social challenges – users need to understand and trust the solution methods or they will not use them optimally. What technical implications does this have in application areas such as medical data, logistic problems and other areas of the digital economy.

The research projects are multidisciplinary in nature and will involve solving business problems related to designing, planning, controlling and improving of operations and management processes. The scholarships will be attractive to researchers from a range of industrial, engineering, computer science or management backgrounds.

PhD Scholarship package:

The scholarships are based at The University of Nottingham’s campus in Ningbo, China. They are available from September 2016 for a period of three years, with a stipend of up RMB 3,000 per month and an accommodation allowance of RMB 4,800 per year for local students and RMB 12,000 per year for international students. Tuition fees are fully funded and medical insurance is provided. Teaching assistantships with extra payment may be available for talented PhD students.

How to Apply:

The application deadline is 15 August 2016. To apply please send an email with the subject IAMET scholarships and the following attachments :
·       Application Form (please download here:
·       A brief research proposal (1-2 pages)
·       Copies of degree certificate for both undergraduate and postgraduate study (Xueli certificates required for applicants from Chinese universities)
·       Official transcripts showing marks for both undergraduate and postgraduate study (in English only, with university’s official stamp on)
·       Two references which can be emailed by the referees directly
·       English proficiency test report (not required for native English speakers or those with degrees from English speaking countries))
·       A copy of passport-sized colour photograph
·       A copy of your passport. For Chinese applicants a copy of ID card is accepted

Informal inquiries may be addressed to Professor Uwe Aickelin

This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it. Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this message or in any attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your computer system: you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with The University of Nottingham Ningbo China may be monitored as permitted by UK and Chinese legislation.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Research Associate in Machine Learning / Bioinformatics (competitive salary), University of Luxembourg


The University of Luxembourg has the following vacancy in the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB, The LCSB is accelerating biomedical research by closing the link between systems biology and medical research. Collaboration between biologists, medical doctors, computer scientists, physicists and mathematicians is offering new insights in complex systems like cells, organs, and organisms. These insights are essential for understanding principal mechanisms of disease pathogenesis and for developing new tools in diagnostics and therapy.

The National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s disease is a recently launched 8-year program, which involves all national actors in biomedical research in Luxembourg. One long-term objective of program is to recruit and analyze a cohort of PD patients from Luxembourg and clinical centers in neighboring countries to help identify predictive and progressive biomarkers of the disease. Systems biological tools, in particular state-of-the-art computational modeling, will be used for biomarker identification. International partners in this program include the Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre, the Hertie-Institut für klinische Hirnforschung in Tübingen, the Paracelsus-Elena-Klinik in Kassel, and the National Institutes of Health in the USA.

Research Associate (Postdoctoral fellow) in Machine Learning / Bioinformatics (m/f)

Fixed-term contract 2 years, 40h/week, may be extended up to 5 years.
Employee status (start date: as soon as possible)

Your Role:

We are looking for a bioinformatician or machine learning expert who is well versed in the statistical analysis of large-scale biological data and bioscientific programming. The candidate will be responsible for the processing and biomedical analysis of RNA sequencing, microarray and GWAS data, and the collaborative integration of analysis results with those obtained on clinical, proteomics and metabolomics data. The project is part of a long-term, multi-centre collaboration on diagnostic biomarker discovery for Parkinson’s disease patients. It will use both existing and newly collected high-throughput experimental data from patients and controls, but also from corresponding in vivo and in vitro models as part of an integrative systems biology approach.

Your Profile:

•        The candidate will have a PhD or equivalent degree in machine learning or bioinformatics
•        Prior experience in large-scale data processing and bioscientific programming is required
•        A track record of previous publications in large-scale biological data analysis should be outlined in the CV
•        Demonstrated skills and knowledge in machine learning, biostatistics, next-generation sequencing data analysis (in particular RNAseq), pathway and network analysis are highly advantageous
•        The candidate should have a cross-disciplinary aptitude, strong organizational and interpersonal skills, and a keen interest in collaborative biomedical research
•        Fluency in oral and written English

We offer:

•        A fully funded position with a very competitive salary.
•        An opportunity to join the National Center of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s disease with an international and interdisciplinary ethos.
•        Working in a scientifically stimulating, innovative, dynamic, well- equipped, and international surrounding.
•        Opportunity to work closely with worldwide academic partners.
•        The University offers highly competitive salaries based on the candidate's experience and is an equal opportunity employer.

Further Information:

Applications (in English) should contain the following documents:

•        A detailed Curriculum vitae
•        A motivation letter, including a brief description of past research experience and future interests
•        Copies of degree certificates and transcripts
•        Name and contact details of at least two referees

Further Information:

Recruitment web-page:

How to Contact/Apply

Informal enquiries can be made to:
Dr. Enrico Glaab:


Applications can be submitted apply online until 30th September 2016.

Apply Online


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