- Palestinian Graduates of all disciplines who have scored well above 80% (or 3/4).
- Information Technology Master scholarships for IT sector graduates
- Candidates must be supported by their respective universities, as this is a faculty-building program. Applicants should envisage an academic career at a Palestinian University.
- Only candidates whose last degree was earned no more than six years ago can apply.

Important Notice
Please note that your application is only valid if it has been succesfully up-loaded in the DAAD portal as well as submitted in paper form by the deadline! The DAAD portal will be closed at midnight Central European Time (CET) on the last specified application date. After this, it will no longer be possible to apply via the DAAD portal, even if the last application date has not yet finished in your country, due to the time difference.You will have to submit the on-line application as well as one hard copy of your application by August 31, 2016 to the DAAD IC Jerusalem. The computerized system does not allow for any extensions, we cannot override it and therefore cannot help you if you will miss the deadline for any reason.
Additional information: FAQ for Application
- Online application form accessible through www.funding-guide.deExplanations how to find your scholarship program and how to register for the DAAD portal are found under the following links: Submitting an Application and Registering for DAAD PortalYou have to search for the following program:
IDP Master Germany: "Study Scholarship for Graduates of all Disciplines"
IDP IT Master Germany: "Information Technology Scholarships for Palestinians"
The on-line application portal will be open by mid July 2016 - Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
- Certified English translation of Bachelor certificate with full overview of grades
- Certified English translation of university entrance qualification (Tawjihi/or equivalent)
- One academic recommendation letter (original letter in sealed envelope) - use the recommendation letter form available in the DAAD online portal
- An institutional recommendation by a Palestinian university as this program aims at supporting applicants who plan an academic career
- Choice of at least 3 suitbale IDP (International Degree) Master Programs in English in Germany
Profile of the desired Degree Program - Study plan and motivation letter for choosing the particular program
- Photocopy of your passport
- TOEFL iBT Test result 79 / IELTS Band 6 or above
Successful candidates must receive an acceptance from one of the International Degree Master Programs in Germany to validate their scholarship. Shortlisted applicants (file forwarde to the DAAD Head Office in Bonn) must independently apply to one or more International Degree Program/s.
Results will be made available by March 2017.
Deadline for the academic year 2017/2018: 31st of August 2016
Powerpoint presentation IDP Master in Germany
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